Medical Astrology and Cancer (The Disease)
In medical astrology, cancer (the disease) is associated with malefic planetary influences, afflictions to Moon, Mars, Saturn, and the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses. Cancer can manifest when multiple negative planetary factors create a long-term imbalance in the body, leading to uncontrolled cell growth.
1. Planetary Combinations Indicating Cancer
Moon Afflicted by Malefics (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars)
- The Moon controls fluids, emotions, and nourishment. A severely afflicted Moon can cause lymphatic disorders, hormonal imbalances, and emotional stress, which are linked to cancer.
- Example: Moon in the 6th or 8th house, conjunct or aspected by Saturn or Rahu, can indicate breast cancer or stomach cancer.
Mars Affliction – Blood and Inflammation
- Mars rules blood, inflammation, and immune response. If Mars is afflicted (especially in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house), it can indicate leukemia, tumors, or inflammatory cancers.
- Example: Mars in the 8th house with Rahu can indicate colon cancer.
Saturn and Ketu – Chronic Diseases and Cell Degeneration
- Saturn rules chronic illnesses and slow-growing diseases. Saturn’s influence on the Ascendant, Moon, or 6th house can indicate a long-term disease like cancer.
- Ketu represents hidden, undiagnosed illnesses. A strong Ketu influence can make cancer hard to detect until later stages.
- Example: Saturn in the 6th house with Ketu can indicate bone cancer or skin cancer.
Rahu – Toxins and Unnatural Growth
- Rahu represents toxins, pollution, and irregular growth. Rahu in the 6th or 8th house can indicate tumors, carcinogenic exposure, or viral-induced cancers.
- Example: Rahu in the 6th house with Mars can indicate lung cancer or throat cancer.
2. Cancer Types and Astrological Combinations
Breast Cancer – Afflicted Moon + 4th house issues + Venus affliction
Lung Cancer – Afflicted Mercury + Mars/Saturn in 3rd house
Stomach Cancer – Afflicted Moon + Saturn/Rahu in 6th house
Colon Cancer – Afflicted Mars in 8th house + Saturn influence
Skin Cancer – Weak Sun + Saturn/Ketu in 1st house
Leukemia (Blood Cancer) – Afflicted Sun + Mars in 6th/8th house
Brain Tumors – Afflicted Moon + Mercury + 12th house issues
3. Example Chart Analysis for a Cancer Patient
Example Case: Moon in the 6th House, Saturn in the 8th House, Rahu in the 12th House
- Moon in the 6th = Weak immunity, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances.
- Saturn in the 8th = Chronic illness, slow-growing disease.
- Rahu in the 12th = Hidden disease, late detection.
- This person is highly prone to stomach or colon cancer.
4. Remedies for Cancer Prevention & Healing
- Mantras – Chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for health.
- Gemstones – Pearl (for Moon), Red Coral (for Mars), and Blue Sapphire (for Saturn) (only after consulting an astrologer).
- Fasting – Fasting on Mondays for Moon and Saturdays for Saturn.
- Ayurvedic Diet – Avoiding processed foods, alcohol, and excessive red meat.
- Rahu & Ketu Remedies – Feeding birds and doing Pitra Dosh puja if ancestors’ karma is involved.
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