Japanese Horoscope: Explore the Zodiac Signs and Cultural Beliefs from the Land of the Rising Sun
Across the globe, many believe that the arrangement of celestial bodies influences their lives and character, and that knowledge of planets and stars can help predict the future. Asian and European cultures differ in many aspects, including religion, customs, and also the calendar and zodiac signs. If you're curious about the Japanese horoscope, this article is for you.
Japanese Blood Type Horoscope
In Japan, it is widely believed that blood types determine personality, predispositions, behaviors, and relationships. This theory, known as ketsueki-gata, was popularized by Japanese professor Takeji Furukawa, who published an article characterizing people with specific blood types in 1930. The idea remains so popular today that horoscopes in newspapers and TV shows are often based on blood types, and books on the subject are bestsellers. Blood types are also used to choose compatible partners, with the best couples having the same blood types, while people with AB blood can partner with anyone.
Character According to Blood Types
Blood Type A: About 40% of Japanese people have blood type A. According to the horoscope, they are peaceful, polite, responsible, and patient. They do not feel comfortable in large groups, tend to be stubborn, and easily become stressed.
Blood Type B: Individuals with blood type B are focused on pursuing their own goals, guided by reason, and may appear indifferent and distanced.
Blood Type O: People with this blood type are seen as optimistic and natural leaders. They are energetic and open but often struggle with punctuality.
Blood Type AB: Combining traits of both A and B, people with AB blood are considered complicated, unpredictable, and eccentric.
Japanese Zodiac Signs
Japan follows the Chinese astrological system, which is divided into 12 signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This division corresponds to the Jupiter cycle around the Sun, which lasts about 12 years. Each year is represented by a different zodiac sign and its related characteristics. Additionally, there are five elements (Water, Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal) that change annually, giving each sign a different spiritual aspect.
The Story of the Chinese Zodiac
The story of the Chinese zodiac, which Japan adopted, begins with a great race organized by the Jade Emperor, the ruler of Heaven. He invited all the animals to participate, promising that the first twelve to cross the finish line would have a year named after them.
The clever Rat, knowing it wasn't the fastest swimmer, persuaded the kind Ox to carry it across the river. As they neared the shore, the Rat leapt ahead, claiming first place. The diligent Ox followed, securing second. The powerful Tiger came in third, exhausted from the struggle against the current. The agile Rabbit, who had hopped across on stepping stones and a log, came fourth. The majestic Dragon, who had stopped to help villagers and bring rain, arrived fifth.
Next came the Snake, who had hidden in the Horse's hoof and startled it just before the finish line, taking sixth place while the Horse took seventh. The Goat, Monkey, and Rooster worked together to build a raft and arrived eighth, ninth, and tenth, respectively. The loyal Dog, distracted by the water, came in eleventh, and the easy-going Pig, who had stopped to eat and nap, finished twelfth.
This story illustrates the characteristics attributed to each zodiac sign, reflecting the personality traits and behaviors of the animals in the race.
Animal Nature
According to Chinese astrology, people born under a particular zodiac sign exhibit qualities characteristic of their assigned animals:
Rat: Meticulous, intelligent, clever, ambitious, and practical, but also obstinate and vindictive.
Ox: Responsible, thorough, generous, and caring, but also jealous, stubborn, and petty.
Tiger: Courageous, confident, honest, and thorough, but reckless, selfish, and impulsive.
Rabbit: Sensitive, well-mannered, modest, and tactful, but shy and prone to hypochondria.
Dragon: Noble, ambitious, dignified, vigorous, and strong, but also ruthless, lordly, and arrogant.
Snake: Wise and empathetic, sharp and honorable, but serious and indifferent.
Horse: Pleasant, intelligent, independent, and cheerful, but restless, fickle, and selfish.
Goat: Creative, generous, empathetic, but irresponsible and lazy.
Monkey: Versatile, witty, intelligent, and lively, but headstrong, conceited, and manipulative.
Rooster: Brave, witty, loyal, and hard-working, but pretentious and unreliable.
Dog: Honest, loyal, and devoted, but can be mean and unpleasant.
Pig: Social, honest, and funny, but lacking self-discipline and hot-headed.
Japanese Numerology
Legend has it that Hideyoshi’s horoscope originated in the court of the first shogun nearly fifteen hundred years ago. Japanese numerology involves assigning the right planet or star to a specific number. To find your Japanese zodiac sign, add all the digits of your birthdate and keep adding the digits of the result until you get a single-digit value.
Horoscopes and fortune-telling have accompanied humanity for thousands of years. Some are based on ancient traditions and science, while others rely on newer observations. Regardless of their type and origin, even modern societies often believe that astrology and numerology can offer insights into the future.
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